The Blog To “Push Your Potential”
Want to stretch your potential for the next level of you and live your life the way you want it?
Get inspired reading the Push Your Potential Blogs and see how far you can go.
Go to Blogs straight away or scroll down and continue reading to find out why this Blog was made.
Why This Blog Was Made
Here I would like to tell you why I started to write blogs.
Since I am really devoted to personal development, NLP, coaching and everything else under the sun concerning personal growth, I decided to start writing about my passion.
I want to share with you what I personally did or do to grow as a person, my experiences, and my own ambitions to reach my best in life.
My hope is to give readers ideas (yes, that’s you) and inspire you to make steps towards the person you want to become and live your fullest life possible and reach your greatest potential.
In my blog you will find subjects as morning rituals, NLP, coaching and all other sorts of subjects concerning personal growth.
Passion for Growth
Why is my blog so different from all the other 12,937585 out there?
I can honestly tell you; I don’t know. The only thing that I want, is to share ‘what I know so you and I can grow’.
I want to help people who are, just like me, looking for ways to get the best out of them, and in this way PUSH YOUR POTENTIAL. Great name for a blog right? 😉
I know that there are many other coaches, websites, bloggers, etc. out there and I am sure every one of them has something to say that is right and can resonate with people. What I believe is that people who are drawn to the subjects shared here will come across this blog and will enjoy the content.
Is my blog better than someone else’s? I always like to mix my experience with literature, facts, and/or research. Is this better? No, it is just my experience and my interpretation of the subject. I’m not a doctor or psychiatrist. I am just little ol’ me trying to share my knowledge with the world and making the best of that.
Now you might be wondering, who is she and what did she do to get this kind of insight?
I am an NLP coach and have multiple NLP certificates and other coaching skills. I absolutely fell in love with NLP a few years back and this got the ball rolling concerning personal development and self-growth.
Today I am practicing and living all the good stuff I learned and it helped me grow tremendously over the last few years. Through this blog, I want to inspire others to do grow, develop and get the best out of themselves.
“You make the world a better place by making yourself a better person”
- Scott Sorrell -
I hope you like my blog and that we can connect in our passion for reaching our greatest potential.
If you want to contact me with questions, remarks, or feedback, please do so by clicking the button below and leave me a message.
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