Confidence and Self-Esteem Diederika Jongema Confidence and Self-Esteem Diederika Jongema

De Kracht van Mindset: Mijn 🍀Geluk🍀 opnieuw Geprogrammeerd

Met Diederika’s hulp ontdekte ik hoe en waarom mijn overtuiging in ‘altijd geluk hebben’ was vervaagd en leerde ik deze succesvol te resetten. Drie maanden later voel ik me sterker dan ooit, vol vertrouwen dat mijn geluk altijd bij me blijft. De sessie met haar was prettig en effectief!

Testimonial door Anita

40 jaar, Gevoel van geluk terugkrijgen

Ik nam contact op met Diederika om mijn mindset te veranderen. Ik had altijd het gevoel dat ik van nature geluk had, een overtuiging die mijn vroege volwassenheid heeft gekenmerkt. Na verloop van tijd begon dat gevoel van geluk te vervagen en ik wist dat dit in mijn gedachten en overtuigingen moest worden gecorrigeerd. Dankzij Diederika ontdekte ik waarom en hoe deze overtuiging van geluk verdween. Met haar begeleiding en de opname die ze me gaf, heb ik mijn mindset succesvol gereset en opnieuw geprogrammeerd.

Drie maanden na onze sessie voel ik me weer als mijn oude zelf, vol vertrouwen dat mijn geluk altijd bij me blijft. Ik merk nu weer hoe toevalligheden en serendipiteit mijn leven kleuren. Dit bevestigt hoe belangrijk deze verandering in mijn mindset was. Het voelt goed en ontzettend krachtig. Diederika stemde zich perfect op mij af en maakte de sessie heel prettig.

Dank je wel, Diederika! 😊


The Power of Mindset: Reprogramming My Luck🍀

Testimonial by Anita

40 year old, Regain luck


I contacted Diederika to help me change my mindset. I used to feel so lucky, I was convinced that I was born lucky and in my early adulthood that was what I experienced for a long time. As time went by, this belief seemed to fade away.
I know how the mind works and I knew that this had to be corrected in my mind. With Diederika’s help, I managed to find out why and how this belief faded, and with the recording she gave me, I reset and reprogrammed my mind successfully. She was tuned into me and made this RTT experience a really pleasant one.
Three months after our session I can state that I am back to my old self and I am convinced that my luck stays with me always. I notice coincidences, serendipity, life proves me constantly that the shift was necessary only in my mind, and everything else follows. It feels really good and empowering.

Thank you so much, Diederika. 😊

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Confidence and Self-Esteem Push Your Potential Confidence and Self-Esteem Push Your Potential

Spreken en Stralen✨: Mijn ervaring met RTT

S., Friesland, Spreken in gezelschap

Ik heb een RTT-sessie gehad met Diederika in mijn eigen huis, wat een vertrouwde omgeving creëerde. Mijn doel was om meer zelfvertrouwen te krijgen bij het spreken in gezelschap en me meer op mijn gemak te voelen in sociale situaties. Diederika straalt openheid, geduld en professionaliteit uit, wat een veilige sfeer creëerde. Ze hielp me oude overtuigingen te ontdekken die mijn zelfvertrouwen en communicatievaardigheden belemmerden. Na de sessie ontving ik een opname om 21 dagen lang te beluisteren, wat essentieel bleek voor blijvende verandering. Ik beveel Diederika van harte aan; haar empathie en deskundigheid maken RTT tot een waardevolle investering in jezelf.

Testimonial door S.
Vrouw, 36 jaar, Spreken in gezelschap

 Het is alweer een tijdje geleden dat ik een sessie had met Diederika, een ervaren RTT-therapeut. De sessie vond plaats in mijn eigen huis, wat prettig was omdat ik me in mijn vertrouwde omgeving bevond. Diederika straalt openheid, geduld en professionaliteit uit, wat een veilige sfeer creëerde voor de sessie.

Mijn doel was om zelfverzekerder te spreken in gezelschap en me beter te voelen in sociale situaties. De sessie zelf was een bijzondere ervaring. Diederika begeleidde me rustig en stap voor stap door de hypnose, waardoor ik oude overtuigingen ontdekte die mijn zelfvertrouwen en communicatievaardigheden belemmerden.

Hoewel ik geloof in de kracht van RTT, is het wel belangrijk om er de tijd voor te nemen. Na de sessie ontving ik een fijne opname van Diederika, met het advies om deze 21 dagen lang te beluisteren om de overtuigingen echt te veranderen. Mijn ervaring is dat dit een belangrijk vervolg is op de sessie. Het vraagt om wat discipline, maar het levert het beste resultaat op.

Diederika is een toegewijde therapeut die echt de tijd voor je neemt. Ze paste de sessie aan op mijn behoeften, zelfs toen het langer duurde dan verwacht. Haar inlevingsvermogen en uitgebreide kennis van RTT zorgden ervoor dat de sessie zowel professioneel als persoonlijk was. Ik beveel Diederika van harte aan voor iedereen die een verandering in hun leven zoekt. Dit is een investering in jezelf die de moeite waard is.

Bedankt, Diederika, voor deze mooie ervaring!

Speak and Shine: My Expierence with RTT

Testimonial by S.
Woman, 36 jaar, Speaking in company

It has been a while since I had a session with Diederika, an experienced RTT therapist. The session took place in my own home, which was nice because I was in my familiar environment. Diederika exudes openness, patience, and professionalism, creating a safe atmosphere for the session.

My goal was to feel more confident speaking in company and to feel more at ease in social situations. The session itself was a unique experience. Diederika guided me calmly and step-by-step through the hypnosis, helping me uncover old beliefs that were hindering my self-confidence and communication skills.

While I believe in the power of RTT, it's important to take the time for it. After the session, I received a pleasant recording from Diederika, with the advice to listen to it for 21 days to truly change my beliefs. In my experience, this is an important follow-up to the session. It requires some discipline, but it yields the best results.

Diederika is a dedicated therapist who really takes the time for you. She tailored the session to my needs, even when it took longer than expected. Her empathy and extensive knowledge of RTT ensured that the session was both professional and personal. I highly recommend Diederika to anyone seeking a change in their life. This is an investment in yourself that is worth it.

Thank you, Diederika, for this wonderful experience!

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Confidence and Self-Esteem, Recensies Push Your Potential Confidence and Self-Esteem, Recensies Push Your Potential

Van Twijfel naar Kracht: Zelfvertrouwen Terugwinnen

A.K., 38 jaar

“Na mijn tijd met Diederika had ik het zelfvertrouwen om op een nieuwe werkplek te beginnen, zonder me druk te maken over de mening van anderen.

Ik voel me sterker, zekerder, en op mijn gemak met mezelf. De inzichten die ik kreeg, hebben mijn leven echt veranderd”.

Testimonial door A.K.

38 jarige vrouw, Zelfvertrouwen en Zelfwaardering

Toen ik contact opnam met Diederika, worstelde ik met mijn zelfvertrouwen en eigenwaarde. Ik voelde me constant beoordeeld door anderen, wat me zowel persoonlijk als professioneel tegenhield. Ik wist dat er verandering nodig was.

De keuze om met Diederika te werken was eenvoudig. Haar specialisatie in zelfvertrouwen en eigenwaarde trok me direct aan. Wat ik niet had verwacht, was dat de RTT-sessie mijn verwachtingen zo zou overtreffen. Het was een fantastische ervaring die me echt heeft geraakt.

Tijdens de sessie zorgde Diederika ervoor dat ik me enorm op mijn gemak voelde. Haar empathie en medeleven waren voelbaar en creëerden een veilige ruimte waarin ik kon ontdekken en helen. Ik had een verhelderend 'aha'-moment tijdens en na de sessie, waarin ik de verbinding zag tussen gebeurtenissen uit het verleden en de denkpatronen die mijn problemen veroorzaakten.

Sinds de sessie is mijn leven op een opmerkelijke manier veranderd. Ik voel nu een nieuw soort zelfvertrouwen en spreek vrijuit mijn waarheid zonder externe bevestiging te zoeken. Onlangs begon ik op een nieuwe werkplek en ga er vol zelfvertrouwen in, zonder me nog druk te maken om de mening van anderen. Ik ken mijn eigen waarde en dat is genoeg.

Ik heb de audio opname die Diederika me gaf erg gewaardeerd. Het was uitstekend.

Als RTT-therapeut is Diederika werkelijk fenomenaal. Slechts één sessie kan je leven aanzienlijk veranderen. Je zult je afvragen waarom je het niet eerder hebt gedaan. Het is de ultieme manier om oude bagage los te laten en je kracht terug te winnen.

Wat ik het meest waardeer aan het werken met Diederika is het zien van de diepgaande veranderingen in mezelf en in hoe ik met anderen omga.

Ik beveel Diederika en haar diensten van harte aan voor iedereen die op zoek is naar transformatie. Het is de gemakkelijke weg om je kracht terug te krijgen, jezelf te bevrijden van beperkte overtuigingen en een leven zonder begrenzing te leven.

Transformed Life: Overcoming Self-Esteem Issues

Testimonial by A.K.

38 years old woman, Confidence and Self-esteem 

When I reached out to Diederika, I was struggling with self-esteem and confidence issues, constantly feeling judged by others. It was holding me back both personally and professionally, and I knew I needed a change.

Choosing to work with Diederika was an easy decision. Her specialization in self-confidence and self-esteem instantly drew me in. Little did I know that the RTT session would exceed my expectations by far. It was an absolutely fantastic experience that blew me away.

Throughout the session, Diederika made me feel incredibly at ease. Her empathy and compassion were unparalleled, creating a safe space for me to explore and heal. I had a profound 'aha' moment during and after the session, realizing the connection between past events and my current thought patterns that had been causing my issues.

Since the session, my life has transformed in remarkable ways. I now carry a newfound confidence, freely speaking my truth without seeking external validation. I recently joined a new workspace, and I approach it with unshakeable confidence, no longer bothered by others' opinions. I know my self-worth, and that's enough.

I greatly appreciated the transformation audio Diederika provided. It was excellent.

As an RTT therapist, Diederika is truly phenomenal. Just one session has the power to transform your life. You'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner. It's the ultimate way to let go of limiting baggage and reclaim your power.

My favorite thing about working with Diederika has been witnessing the profound changes within myself and how I interact with others.

I wholeheartedly recommend her services to anyone seeking transformation. It's the easy path to reclaiming your power, breaking free from limitations, and living a limitless life.

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Confidence and Self-Esteem Push Your Potential Confidence and Self-Esteem Push Your Potential

Empowering Testimonial: Healing Imposter Syndrome with RTT Therapy

Natasa, 36, Europe, Imposter Syndrome  

“I was struggling with imposter syndrome when I reached up to Diederika. I needed to overcome this issue because I was not able to enjoy anything. The feeling of being an imposter, a fake was so strong that I was giving up to every idea that was coming to me. My constant motto was "Who do I think I am to do this? I'm nobody. I will never succeed in anything."

So in order to move on in my life, I needed to change something, otherwise I would just watch my life passing by with me doing nothing but pity myself.

I read about Diederika and how she can help with the issue I had.

The session was very profound and revealing. 

The most valuable moment was when I realized WHY I feel like an imposter. That moment shifted something in me that I know I will never go back there. I will not feel like that anymore, and if I do, I know exactly where to tap to get out of it. I can't thank Diederika enough.

Listening to the personalized recording I received from Diederika, my inner dialogue with myself changed. I am more kind to myself, more understanding to my feelings. 

The whole package worked wonders for me. I couldn't be more thankful. I only wish more people to come to you to liberate them from their own burden and be free and enjoy life”.

Testimonial by Natasa
36 years old, Europe, Imposter Syndrome

I was struggling with imposter syndrome when I reached up to Diederika. It was something that was holding me back and I didn't know how to deal with it. I was feeling like everything I was doing is wrong and that I am not worthy of anything.

I needed to overcome this issue because I was not able to enjoy anything. The feeling of being an imposter, a fake was so strong that I was giving up to every idea that was coming to me. I didn't believe of myself being worthy of acting upon my ideas. My constant motto was "Who do I think I am to do this? I'm nobody. I will never succeed in anything."

So in order to move on in my life, I needed to change something, otherwise, I would just watch my life passing by with me doing nothing but pity myself.

I have tried other kinds of therapy, but they didn't help much, and it was taking a very long time to arrive to a conclusion or a result. So I've heard about RTT and I read a lot of good reviews about it and I decided to give myself another chance. I read about Diederika and how she can help with the issue I had, so I contacted her immediately. She was very kind and fast answering to help me.

The session was very profound and revealing. Diederika, very kindly took me step by step into my subconscious and I discovered why I was feeling the way I did, and what was at the root of my issue. I am very impressed of the realizations I got to in the session. It made so much sense of why do I feel as an imposter now, based on my past experiences. The revelations were very deep. I am so grateful for this opportunity, to understand and be able to do something about it, to change it.

Diederika was very kind and gentle during the session. I felt safe and open to talk, to cry, to be myself. Diederika created a comfortable atmosphere and the session went smooth.

The most valuable moment was when I realized WHY do I feel as an imposter. That moment shifted something in me that I know I will never go back there. I will not feel like that anymore, and if I do, I know exactly where to tap to get out of it. Diederika helped me see, helped me understand my issue and get out of it, and for that I can't thank her enough.

Listening to the personalized recording I received from Diederika, my inner dialogue with myself changed. I am more kind to myself, more understanding to my feelings. Even with the people around me, I am more patient. My body language is shifting as well. I am more aware of how I sit down, how I hold my hands, how I keep my spine more straight.

What Natasa also wanted to share

Diederika is very kind and gentle. She creates a safe place to be around her. She is open and firm with every step of the session. 

I would recommend Diederika to anyone in need. She is professional and knows exactly what she is doing. Anyone would get out from a session with her feeling liberated, light and with a lot of self understanding.

The whole package of the RTT session worked wonders for me. I couldn't be more thankful. I only wish more people to come to you to liberate them from their own burden and be free and enjoy life.

I would recommend an RTT session to everyone, because being liberated and having that feeling of freedom can not be compared to anything else in this world. And because understanding why we have some issues is a wonderful tool to use it to live freely and move on in life.

Thank you so much for your services. And I hope they arrive to as many people as possible so they can change their life for the best.

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Confidence and Self-Esteem Push Your Potential Confidence and Self-Esteem Push Your Potential

Testimonial NLP - Struggles at work

Anonymous, 30, Europe, Struggles at Work, NLP sessions  

I contacted Diederika after having some struggles in the workplace. These struggles made me feel very down and I was not able to enjoy my work anymore. Thanks to Diederika, I am able to see difficult situations in another light and understand not only myself better but also the other person who I have difficulties with. Diederika is very straightforward and makes you think of your actions with the assignments and tools she gives. She helps you get through the assignments she gives you, to practice in real life, if you don’t understand or get stuck.

I am grateful for the results and the insight I got through the NLP sessions.  

Testimonial by Anonymous

30 years old, Europe, Struggles at Work, NLP sessions  

I contacted Diederika after having some struggles in the workplace. These struggles made me feel very down and I was not able to enjoy my work anymore. Thanks to Diederika, I am able to see difficult situations in another light and understand not only myself better but also the other person who I have difficulties with. Diederika is very straightforward and makes you think of your actions with the assignments and tools she gives. She helps you get through the assignments she gives you, to practice in real life, if you don’t understand or get stuck.

I am grateful for the results and the insight I got through the NLP sessions.  

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Confidence and Self-Esteem Push Your Potential Confidence and Self-Esteem Push Your Potential

Testimonial NLP - Build up Insecurity

I., 34, Europe, Build up Insecurity, NLP Sessions

I have experienced the NLP sessions as very pleasant. Due to the necessary events from my past, I have built up a certain insecure feeling. This also made it difficult for me to trust people.

By going deeper into the past with Diederika and to the core of the problem, I was able to tackle this quickly with her cooperation. During the sessions, she asked the same questions several times, which really made me think about certain things. I found out that I actually already knew the answer to my questions. Still, I needed the final push from her.

She listened very well and gave me good tips and assignments that I could really use.

I would definitely recommend her given that after a few tough sessions, everything became a lot clearer to me, where and what the problem was.

Thanks to the sessions and Diederika's good knowledge, I was able to close a certain stumbling block from my past. My thanks for that.

Testimonial by I.

34 years old, Netherlands, Build up Insecurity, NLP Sessions

I have experienced the NLP sessions as very pleasant. Due to the necessary events from my past, I have built up a certain insecure feeling. This also made it difficult for me to trust people.

By going deeper into the past with Diederika and to the core of the problem, I was able to tackle this quickly with her cooperation. During the sessions, she asked the same questions several times, which really made me think about certain things. I found out that I actually already knew the answer to my questions. Still, I needed the final push from her.

She listened very well and gave me good tips and assignments that I could really use.

I would definitely recommend her given that after a few tough sessions, everything became a lot clearer to me, where and what the problem was.

Thanks to the sessions and Diederika's good knowledge, I was able to close a certain stumbling block from my past. My thanks for that.

Hieronder de originele Nederlandse versie:

Testimonial door I.

34 jaar, Nederland, Opgebouwde Onzekerheid, NLP Sessies

Ik heb de NLP sessies als zeer prettig ervaren. Door de nodige gebeurtenissen uit mijn verleden heb ik toch een bepaald onzeker gevoel opgebouwd. Hierdoor vond ik het ook moeilijk mensen te vertrouwen.

Door met Diederika dieper op het verleden in te gaan en naar de kern van het probleem, kon ik dit met haar medewerking al snel aanpakken.
Tijdens de sessies stelde ze meerdere keren dezelfde vragen waardoor ik echt over bepaalde dingen na moest denken. Ik kwam er achter dat ik eigenlijk zelf het antwoord al wist op mijn vragen. Toch had ik het laatste zetje van haar nodig.

Ze luisterde enorm goed en gaf me goeie tips en opdrachten mee waar ik ook echt wat mee kon.

Ik zou haar zeker aanraden gezien het feit dat alles voor mij na een paar pittige sessies het toch allemaal een stuk duidelijker werd, waar en wat het probleem was.

Door de sessies en de goeie kennis van Diederika heb ik een bepaald struikelblok uit mijn verleden kunnen afsluiten. Mijn dank daarvoor.

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