5 Signs You Are Ready for a Morning Routine in Your Life
You might have seen, heard, and read a lot of things about morning routines to elevate your life, propel you to success, and make your life more productive. It seems like it is becoming more and more of a thing to rise early and invest your first minutes (or even hours) of the day, to structure your day for ultimate fulfillment and happiness.
Because a lot of people (especially the night owls among us) don’t feel much for getting out of their bed’s earlier, it is a good question to ask yourself: “is it really worth your while to invest your time and energy to structure your day in the morning?”. Will it give you more than not doing it?
When implementing a morning routine into your life, this routine could contain many different things. This is, of course, to your own liking and areas where you think you feel comfortable or grow the most from.
Journaling, meditation, exercise, listening to podcasts or books, reading, create or listen to music, speak out affirmations, prayer, you name it. This all could be part of your personal morning routine and you would have to do some honest searching to where you think you would benefit from them the most.
This post is not about what you should actually do in your morning routine but more as to why you should even consider doing it.
Since you are here reading this post, I reckon that you are wondering what the 5 signs are, that show you’re ready for a morning routine. Below the 5 signs are mentioned and explained:
You want more sense of direction for your day
You want to propel yourself forward in one or more areas
You desire a peaceful mind
You need a confidence and discipline builder
You want a sense of accomplishment
1. You want more sense of direction for your day
When you wake up early, when you are not in a hurry, have well enough time on your hands, and take the time to think out your day and plan how it is going, it gives you a lot of direction.
Instead of just rushing through your morning to be able to get to wherever you need to be on time, just take the time to plan your day and also think about what it is you want to accomplish next to your mandatory tasks and appointments.
This is the ultimate time to have control and be the architect of your day and life (since our days become our lives).
When you write it down (on paper or digitally) you actually have more chance of proceeding and succeeding in your goal.
Even if you don’t want to accomplish anything extra, structuring your day ahead will help you a lot in not feeling overwhelmed and rushed.
By structuring I mean:
What is it you want to do?
By when?
What does it entail and imply when you do this?
Are there things to be taken into consideration?
You will have a clear goal and direction for your day, and you know exactly how to go about it.
2. You want to propel yourself forward in one or more areas
Are you tired of being stuck in one or more areas in your life or you just want to get better at something? The morning is the time to do it! There are many ways to go about this.
You can just focus on one thing and dedicate at least 20 minutes to your subject of improvement or when you have more time you can take on more areas.
For example:
You can take on several areas to improve: spiritually, physically, and mentally.
Schedule time that you want to spend on the areas of improvement.
Do you want to meditate for 10 minutes to fulfill your spiritual need?
Are you willing to start working out 15 minutes every morning to get in better shape?
What affirmations could you create to get more resilient mentally?
To fulfill your need for improvement, dig in deep and ask yourself when you are happy with the result you got. Where are you going for?
Don’t just say that you want to work out every single day for 15 minutes What is your actual goal? Do you want to weigh a certain amount, do you want a six-pack or a rock-hard booty? Make it crystal clear where you want to be, to be more focused on accomplishing your goal.
3. You desire a peaceful mind
Intentionally putting things on paper and taking time to work on the things you want gives you tremendous peace of mind. If you decide to meditate and let flow and peace come to you, this might even give you more peace of mind since you are allowing to intentionally invite calmness into your mind.
4. You need a confidence and discipline builder
Waking up earlier takes discipline and can give you a good boost of confidence.
If you are able to wake up at for example 5:30 am to get the best out of your day, what in the world is there that might come at you to ruin your day? Of course, we might have our bad breaks and we never know what comes at us during the day. Hopefully, most of the days you can conquer whatever the wind blows at you.
When you continuously implement your morning routine in your life, you will see your improvements and you will be well and able to grow as a person. You can be confident with who you are, even though you might have more on your list to improve. The fact that you are taking action, already makes you a successful person opposite to the people who don’t take action.
5. You want a sense of accomplishment
Let me ask you; What gives you more sense of accomplishment than already finishing or getting a head start on your personal goals before you start working or doing whatever you have to do that day?
Already doing what is important for you before the ‘rest’ of your day starts gives you a tremendous sense of accomplishment. It will keep you motivated to keep you going and get more and more advanced in the things you want to grow in as a person.
Actions you could take
Read to get more insight
If you are wondering if this is really something for you or if you just want a roadmap on where to actually start. There are some good books that might give you the right tools to give you a head start.
Books like “Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod or “The 5 AM Club” by Robin Sharma are books I personally read to inspire me to turn my night owl life around and be an early bird.
Soul searching for progress
What is it that you want to do with your morning? Are there things you always wanted to do? Do you have areas you want to improve in, is there anything else you want to address in your life from now on? Finding your why is important since it will help you keep yourself on track when implementation or keeping yourself at it is challenging.
Ready to sacrifice?
Ask yourself if this is really something you want to do. Are you willing to sacrifice the later hours of your day for early mornings? Yes, you would have to be willing to sacrifice some time to implement this into your life, since just robbing yourself of sleep will not be good for you. This might even have an effect on your health in the long run if you don’t adjust your schedule.
It is good to reflect on this and be honest with yourself. On the other hand, if you really want to improve your life in one or more areas and you are not making the effort now or you just can’t find the time to really go for it (or you made yourself believe this 😉), this should not be such a hard decision.
Start small and give yourself some time
If you want to prepare yourself for the implementation of this routine, you might want to also prepare your body for this adjustment in your life.
Start out small and just check how rising 15 minutes earlier than you normally would, actually makes you feel. Do you really feel exhausted or do you feel no difference?
You can build from there and expand your minutes to, for example, an hour.
Having structure in your day has proven to be very effective if you want to work towards a goal or you just want to be a more productive person.
From my own experience, I can definitely tell you that is has given me so much more than I ever thought to acquire and is well worth the sacrifice. Sacrifice? Yes, I used to be the best night owl in town. This has seriously changed and I don’t regret it for one second (or morning you might say).
Give yourself the chance to explore if this works for you and try it. You will be astounded by what is does for you.
Do you want to read other posts on Morning Routines? Click here.